The Tim Castle Show

017 Arash Vossoughi Remove The Ceiling And Transform Your Life | The Tim Castle Show

Tim Castle

What a moment in the tapestry of my life experience. It was such a privilege to interview Arash Vossoughi, a man I consider to be a mentor.

He is Bob Proctor’s Top Coach. Think about this for a second, no one on the planet has done more work based on the principles of Think and Grow Rich that Bob, Bob worked side by side with and was mentored by Earl Nightingale and Earl worked with Napoleon Hill. Now we get to speak with the man who worked with Bob on a daily basis, they masterminded together.

I am sharing this with you because I know it will transform your life. If you practice the things in this episode you will have success in greater quantities. It's a given!

We talk about setting a personal standard, the importance of implementation, the role of the heart, discipline and becoming super coachable and what effect this had on Arash’s life.

Arash is phenomenal, this is one of, if not the most impactful conversation I have ever had!

I knew it would be good but it surpassed all expectation.

Find out more about Arash at @vossoughia on Instagram, you’re going to love his stuff.

Arash Vossoughi is a Millionaire Mentor, Self Image Expert and thought leader who coaches thousands of clients every year to operate with excellence and create a life they love.

Arash began studying personal development seriously in the early 2000s and in 2010 found himself backed into a corner. He was just three weeks away from his wedding when he lost his six-figure-a-year job with $150,000 in debt ... which ended up being one of the best things that's ever happened to him.

At that crossroads, Arash was introduced Bob Proctor, and he enrolled in Bob's coaching program. Instantly Arash realized the value of having a mentor and within one year, he discovered his purpose (which is coaching others to create the life they truly want), tripled his income from the most he had ever earned, and lost 42 pounds.

Arash became one of Bob's top coach and one of his closest students working shoulder to shoulder with him for 12 years.

He earns multiple-seven-figures per year, helps thousands of people around the world create massive success.

Arash, is passionate about improving. He loves spending time with his family, coaching his children’s sports teams and mastering his craft so he can help YOU live your best life.


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