OFF BIKE - CHPT3 Sporting Club


David Millar and Mikkel B. Rasmussen Season 1 Episode 9

This episode is about Mikkel and I, how cycling introduced the two of us and the off-bike friendship it's created. I interview Mikkel about his life and work: it's a conversation we would never have in normal circumstances. Mikkel talks about cycling, economics, design, and anthropology, and ultimately; what being human means.

We did this in Copenhagen at the HQ of the company Mikkel co-founded, ReD Associates - thank you to Thomas Hughes, Ian Dull and Martin Gronemann for putting up with my interrupting their day to interview them. ReD is a company like no other, and that was the other reason I wanted us to do this episode, because personally I wanted to understand more about what they do. It filled me with hope, and in this crazy time we're living in that's important, because without hope there is no optimism.

I recommend everybody reads Mikkel's book: The Moment of Clarity.

I mentioned I'd list some Scottish inventions - here are the ones relevant to this podcast: pedal bicycle, tarmac roads, pneumatic tyres. Find more here.

Find David's CHPT3 here.
Find Mikkel's Red Associates here.
Find the OFF BIKE SOCIETY here.