OFF BIKE - CHPT3 Sporting Club


David Millar and Mikkel B. Rasmussen Season 1 Episode 10

We interview the modern voice of cycling, Mr Ned Boulting, in many ways this was an opportunity for us to learn more about him. In the words of David, 'Ned got me into the TV business, and funnily enough I was one of his first interviews when he entered the fray of professional cycling, he asked me about the "the yellow jumper" - over the years our relationship has transformed from being separated by a barrier to sitting side-by-side; at times sharing a microphone trying to tell the same story. I think it's important to learn about him because he's easily as interesting, if not more, than the people he's so passionate talking to and about.'

Ned founded, edits and publishes the first ever cycling bible, it's called The Road Book - FIND IT HERE

Find Ned's numerous excellent books on the above website - but first listen to this extract from How I Won The Yellow Jumper HERE ON YOUTUBE

Ned on Twitter: @nedboulting
Ned on Instagram: @ned_boulting