The Landlord's Almanac - Landlord Conversations

Scale & Leasing Processes to Consider

Kassandra Taggart ; Erik Boltman Season 2 Episode 5

Scale & Leasing Processes to Consider
In order to be a larger investor, you'll need to understand how to scale early on. Then once you scale, you'll take basic situations and make a process for it. Such as how to accept the first rent payment and decline a tenant.
October 1, 2019
Kassandra Taggart / Erik Boltman
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Show Notes:

  • Erik Introduction
  • Erik's Job position
  • Difference between The Landlord's Almanac  and Real Property Management Last Frontier
  • Discussion about "scale" as a business owner vs a landlord
  • Discussion on creating processes for scale
  • Using the process of cleaning gutters and how a DIY landlord will look at the process vs a good property manager
  • It is a slim chance you'll remember to do certain activities for management unless if you can organize a calendar of schedule and follow it.
  • Apply the goal with the process and scale
  • The guy who can scale will make more money than the guy who can' scale.
  • Where do you want to put your brain bites? Balancing your time.
  • Tell a story a memorable experience helping others on "The Landlord's Almanac"
  • Discussion about the last two events and what was discussed.
  • Forum Question about how much to collect for a first months rent
  • The process of collecting 30 days of rent along with the reason behind collecting the 
  • All about risk vs reward
  • Discussion about accepting checks, cash, and or verified funds from tenants on the first payment.
  • Establish a presence about being professional.
  • Screening is more important for DIY landlords because bad tenants do target DIY landlords.
  • There are programs now available to help with the tacking of the income and payments to leverage time and scale.
  • Question about declining a tenant for lieing
  • Tenants might bully for the decline
  • We had such a good chat that this will be 2 episodes

Kassandra Taggart - Alaska Real Estate Broker - Real Property Management

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