Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast

18 October 2020: Sermon: God's Restoration Project - Restoring our Worldview

Pastor Richard Schwedes

Some times when we read scripture it is important to look and think more deeply at what is actually being said.  The Gospel reading for this week is one instance where this is important.  In Matthew 22 Jesus has another confrontation with the Pharisees, and he makes a comment which has often been misunderstood.  He looks at a coin and says give to Caeser what is Caeser and give to God what is God's.  Many interpret this to mean that they can ignore God on somethings and not others.   However a key to understanding what Jesus is saying is to remember, that the Pharisees would have understood that everything in creation is God's based on Psalm 24..... This means that instead of seeing things and life as either secular or spiritual....we see all of life as all spiritual....having a role in God's kingdom.   This week in worship we will unpack this more deeply....

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