Lutheran - St. Paul's Sydney Podcast

24 January 2021: 3rd. Sunday after Epiphany - Following the Good News and not the bad

Pastor Richard Schwedes

On a number of occasions this week I was confronted with news about someone or something that was not so good, but as I engaged further with the situation I also saw and heard some good our Gospel reading for this week that is the situation the disciples are facing.   John the Baptist has been arrested because of his actions and words in trying to point people to Jesus, if his arrest was the only thing people saw or heard about then they would have some concerns about following Jesus....Jesus however comes on the scene, bringing the people Good News, now the irony is not only was Jesus speaking the Good News, He Himself being present is Good News for us and the entire this week based on Mark 1:14-20 we will explore what it means for us to follow the Good News putting the Bad News into perspective.

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