Leading With Your Gut

I'll Do Better

Jenna Renee Shellman Season 1 Episode 28

It's just me in this episode. No sound quality or much editing. It's about 13 minutes and straight from my heart.

I want to express my deepest condolences to the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless number of Black and brown victims that have died from race-related murders and police brutality. It's time for a pivotal change in America and it starts with you and me.

Some ways to support Black people and become an ally:
-listen with empathy
-don't jump to judgment or insert your opinion on how Black people should feel or protest
-learn and stay engaged
-research the people in Office, on your upcoming ballot, and VOTE
-protect Black and brown people at work, at the protests, within in your friend group, family, on social media.. and so on
-check your privilege and ask, "How can I use it for something good?"
-take action, get involved, and donate--- >

Start here: https://blacklivesmatter.com/