102: Night Watch Pt. 1 (Foreshadow and Backshadow)
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret
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The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret
102: Night Watch Pt. 1 (Foreshadow and Backshadow)
Jan 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 102
Joanna Hagan and Francine Carrel

The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret is a podcast in which your hosts, Joanna Hagan and Francine Carrel, read and recap every book from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in chronological order. 

This week, Part 1 of our recap of “Night Watch”. 

Ravens! Lightning! Quantum! 

Part 2 of Night Watch will begin on page 163 (“The beast remembers”) and end on page 257 (“A little more champagne?”)

Find us on the internet:

Twitter: @MakeYeFretPod

Instagram: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFret

Facebook: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFret

Email: thetruthshallmakeyefretpod@gmail.com

Patreon: www.patreon.com/thetruthshallmakeyefret

Want to follow your hosts and their internet doings? Follow Joanna on twitter @joannahagan and follow Francine @francibambi 

Things we blathered on about:

Night Watch - The Annotated Pratchett File v9.0

Night Watch - Discworld Wiki 

Brewers Britain and Ireland - Internet Archive 

[News] 2023 will be the Year of the Querulous Megapode! - r/discworld 

Discworld Divinity - SF Crows Nest (via Wayback Machine) 

Paul Kidby on Night Watch - Fantasy Book Review (via Wayback Machine)

Battye Embroidered Wall Hanging - William Morris Gallery 

Sir Terry Pratchett in conversation with Dr Jacqueline Simpson in 2010 - The Folklore Society

Music: Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.com