3: The Colour of Magic Pt.3 (Purring Jellyfish)
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret
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The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret
3: The Colour of Magic Pt.3 (Purring Jellyfish)
Nov 18, 2019 Season 1 Episode 3
Joanna Hagan-Young and Francine Carrel

The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret is a podcast in which your hosts, Joanna Hagan-Young and Francine Carrel, read and recap every book from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in chronological order. 

This week, Part 3 of our recap of “The Colour of Magic”. 

Mythology! Fish! The Edge! Worlds Upon Worlds! Hydrophobic Hovercraft! Luck! Fate! Gravitational Upset! Ducks! A Frog!

(Tragically we forgot to record an outro this week, so you get an outtake instead!)

Find us on the internet:

Twitter: @MakeYeFretPod

Facebook: @TheTruthShallMakeYeFret

Email: thetruthshallmakeyefretpod@gmail.com

Want to follow your hosts and their internet doings? Follow Joanna on twitter @joannahagan and follow Francine @francibambi 

Audio note: the occasional otherworldly background rumble is from a nearby air base – not the result of J & F edging perilously close to the line between dimensions. There is probably no cause for alarm. 

Daedalus (greekmythology.com)

The Prince with the Silver Hand (Goodreads)

India: Discovering the Taj Mahal (National Geographic)


Arms Race (BBC, Blue Planet ‘Deep Sea’ clip)

Tethys (Wikipedia)

The 14th Rule (AboutWriting.org)

Cinematic Dramatic Sting (SoundEffectsFactory) 

Base Canard (Merriam-Webster)

Macbeth via Blackadder (YouTube)

Scrofula (Wikipedia)

Where no man has gone before (Wiki)     

Chris Collins, indiemusicbox.com