Washington Baptist Church

Faith Factor

June 12, 2022 Stan Candler

Faith Factor
Philippians 1:18-20


1.     Spiritual Perspective
Philippians 1:19a – “For I know this will turn 
out for my deliverance”
Philippians 1:20
Daniel 3:16-18
Romans 8:28


·      David Jacobsen


2.     Spiritual Partners
 Philippians 1:19b – “ . . . through your prayers”
 Acts 12:5
 Ecclesiastes 4:12

·      Embrace Intercessory Prayer

·      Enlist Intercessory Prayer Partners

·      Establish Intercessory Prayer Principles

3.     Spiritual Power
Philippians 1:19c – “ . . . and the provision of the Holy Spirit.”
I Corinthians 6:19
Ephesians 5:8
Galatians 5:16
Ephesians 6:18
Ephesians 5:19

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