Washington Baptist Church

Is there Hope for America?

Stan Candler

Is there Hope for America?

II Chronicles 7:14 


·      The People of God

II Chronicles 7:14a

“If My people who are called by my name . . .”

·      The Pride against God

II Chronicles 7:14b
“ . . . humble themselves . . .”
 James 4:6 

·      The Prayer unto God

II Chronicles 7:14c

“ . . . and pray; and seek my face and turn from
 their wicked ways . . .”
 I Peter 4:17   

 Psalm 80:4 

                                  Repentance is more than . . .

-        A Heart Conviction

-        A Heart Confession

-        A Heart Contrition

                                  Repentance is a Heart Change

                                   Proverbs 28:13

·      The Promise of God

II Chronicles 7:14d
“ . . . then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their
sin and heal their land.”


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