Washington Baptist Church

"And then came Jesus"

Stan Candler

                         “And then came Jesus . . .”

                                 Matthew 21:9

  • Time of Darkness
  • Under Roman Rule
  • Under Religious Rule
  • They had the Torah
  • They had the Teachings of the Prophets
  • They had the Temple

Matthew 15:8

  • Time of Deliverance
  • They were Enlightened by Jesus’ Messages
  • He brought them Light
  • He brought them, Love
    John 3:16
  • He brought them Life
    John 3:3
    John 1:12
  •   They were Energized by Jesus’ Miracles
  • Time of Decision

- Joshua 24:15b – “Choose for yourself today whom 
                                      you will serve”

- Joshua 24:15d – “But for me and my house, we will  
                                       serve the Lord.”

- Matthew 12:30a – “He who is not with me is against me.”

  • You can ask for a Fair Trial
  • You can accept a Full Pardon

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