Washington Baptist Church

Defined Session 8

April 06, 2020 Stan Candler


Walking on Mission


                             God left you on the earth to represent Him,

                             bring Him glory with your life, and introduce
                             other people to Him.

                             You are God’s unique tool to carry out specific 
                             works that He has prepared beforehand for 
                             you to do.


                             Ephesians 2:10


                Living on Mission


1.     Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind
and strength
Mark 12:30


2.     Love your neighbor as your self
Mark 12:31

You have a rich Heavenly Father who wants you to spread
 the truth of the gospel, encourage other people and be 
 the hands and feet of Jesus.
Ephesians 4:29


3.     Go into all the world and make disciples
Matthew 28:18-20

Ephesians 4:7-12

Romans 12:6-8

I Corinthians 13 & 14


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