Washington Baptist Church

The Priority of Prayer

April 29, 2020 Stan Candler

        “In This Manner Pray”

                    Matthew 6:9-13


               The Priority of Prayer

         “Your kingdom come. Your will be done,

                    on earth as it is in heaven”           


1.   The Principle of Preeminence

Ø  Matthew 6:33

Ø  Colossians 1:17-18

2.   The Practice of Preeminence

Ø  Give HIM the first love of your heart

·      Revelation 2:4

·      He is to be your preeminent love


Ø  Give Him the first thoughts of the day

·      Psalm 5:3

·      II Corinthians 10:5c

·      Psalm 118:24


Ø  Give HIM the first day of the week

·      Acts 20:7a

·      Sunday is the Lord’s Day not the Sabbath


Ø  Give HIM the first fruits of your resources

·      Proverbs 3:9

·      Proverbs 3:10


Ø  Give HIM the first place in every decision

·      Proverbs 3:5-7a

·      James 1:5


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