Washington Baptist Church

The Protection of Prayer

May 20, 2020 Stan Candler

“In This Manner Pray”

Matthew 6:9-13

The Protection of Prayer          


  1. Recognize the Evil One  

His Person
I Peter 5:8
Ephesians 6:12

His Position
Ephesians 6:12
Ephesians 2:2
Revelation 16:13-14,16


His Power

John 8:44
II Corinthians 2:11
Acts 26:18


His Purpose
Ezekiel 28:14-17
Isaiah 14:12-15


  1. Rely on the Sovereign One
    Matthew 6:13
    I John 4:4
    James 4:7



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Stan Candler :

Well, good evening, everybody and welcome back to our Wednesday night Bible study together. I hope that everyone who was able to come Sunday and participate in a first in person worship since the Coronavirus invasion, that it blessed you as much as it blessed me. We had a little over 100 in the nine o'clock service and close to 100 in the LEM o'clock service. And it really blessed my soul. And it appeared with the smiles and just the joy that I saw that bless everyone that was here. And I just wanted to remind you that this is the schedule we're going to use for the next couple of weeks, this coming Sunday and then the last Sunday in May. And over these two weeks we're Of course watching everything and and we'll be making the decision. At the end of this month, whether we'll continue this schedule, or if we'll be able to take a second step of opening up a little bit more. And of course, our ultimate goal is eventually get back to all the activities we had going in the middle of March when all of this began to take place. So I encourage you to keep praying, praying for us and so that we would have wisdom and discernment as we continue to move in that direction. Now, before we get into God's word, I do want to have a word of prayer, and then share with you. This word Lord has laid upon my heart. So join me were you in your heart, as we ask for God's blessing. So Lord God as we come, we come with a grateful heart, for your word, and we know that it's a two edged sword. It is powerful, it is living, so it makes an incredible difference in our lives. It changes our lives. This is source of your grace and Your goodness, your principles, your promises, your precepts, they're all there for us. So that we can open up our lives for you to bless. So tonight as we get into your word, I just ask that you give us ears to hear, Lord, that you give us a heart to understand. And then each one of us would receive the word we need received personally where we are, and make the application that we need to make. Thank you for everyone that is joining us right now, online and being a part of this time together. May your hand a favor be upon them, because right now they're investing their life into your kingdom. And I thank you for that. And what you're going to do in Jesus name, amen. Well, tonight, we're going to finish our in depth study of the Lord's Prayer. We have been looking at it from phrase to phrase we've talked about the person of prayer. We've talked about the prayer Prayer. We've talked about the purpose of prayer, that provision that last week we were talking about the pardon of prayer. What Jesus says in verse cloud pray in this manner. And forgive us about deaths, as we also forgive our debtors is a powerful word there that we all need to hear. And we all need to be applying in our lives. But tonight we looking at verse 13. So if you have your Bibles, I like for you to turn with me to that passage is the last part of the prayer the disciples had asked Jesus teach them how to pray that they were already men who had prayed that they wanted to learn to pray the way Jesus prayed, because they saw the connection he had, of course with his father in heaven, the Lord God of heaven and earth, and they want to have that same connection and see that same results. And so he began to teach them and as we get down to this last verse, We're going to be talking tonight about the protection of prayer, the protection he talks about right here in this passage of Scripture. And here's what he says as he concludes his words or his instructions. He says, and pray in this manner, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. I should not have to tell you, you really already know that we have an enemy and that enemy is for real. And that enemy is seeking to come against us every single day and in this verse, Jesus is talking about for recognizing this enemy and our allies, but then what we need to ask a request of the Lord, to help us be victorious in dealing With this enemy. So let's jump right into this. And two things I want to draw your attention to. First of all, we need to recognize the evil one. Now this is important. So there's four things I want to remind you of concerning our enemy, the evil one, first of all his person is what do you mean by that? Why won't you not understand? This Evil One is not a figment of our imagination. The Bible doesn't just talk about evil in general terms, it does talk about an evil one, a very specific individual. And of course, a He has called in Scripture, the devil. But here's the passage I want you to look at with me first here, and First Peter, chapter five and in verse eight, and it and what Peter's teaching us is to be serious and to be earning About the reality of this evil one, this person that is an enemy and he says this bf sober spirit. He says beyond the alert, he says, your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. And that is this speaks not of just evil in general, but it's very specific. He is talking about an adversary, and it causes him to say the devil, and tells us that he is seeking to devour us. Now, you might be asking a question, well, what's so important about me that Satan or the devil would have any interest in me? Why does he want to attack me? Well, in the big picture, we're really not that important. What? Then why does he want to hurt me You might ask? Well, it is because God Has lavished His love and His affection upon us. So Satan is seeking to get at God by attacking those he loves and he loves. Of course, all of us are followers of Christ. But we could say and be true to the Word of God, obviously in john 316, where he says, For God so loved the world, that he gave us his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever lasting life. So we know that the Lord God loves us all. And Satan is seeking to attack us because he tried to attack God. He went there. It didn't work out very well for him. By experience, he learned he couldn't go against God. So to get to God, he is attacking those whom God has lavish his love and affection. His goal is to keep his money meaning out of the kingdom of God and of the internal destiny of heaven that he possibly can. As a person. He has many aliases, really, in Scripture. He's not only called the devil but he's called the liar. He is called the murderer. He is called the deceiver. He is called the accuser of the saints. He is called the tempter. He is called the destroyer. Many, many names describe him, and his desire to devour us. So when we start talking about adversary, we start talking about asking the Lord, how help us in dealing with temptation and this enemy that's in our lives. Let's begin by understanding his person. Secondly, I want us to look at not only his person, but I want us to look at his position. So if you're turning with me to Ephesians chapter six fasion chapter six. And in verse 12, the Scripture tells us that when Satan did come against the Lord God that, that with him, many of the angels were with him. So not only was Satan cast out of heaven, but with him all the angels that rebelled with him. And and so now there is a description. Paul gives us the description of this kingdom, this kingdom of darkness, that Satan or the devil overrules or not overrules, but rules. He overruled a ruse, this kingdom of darkness. Here's as described in verse 12. He's, Paul says, For as a struggle is not against flesh and blood that appears to be to us. It appears to be conflict between men and, and people and that way that's where it looks like a real the real battles taking place. policy No, no, no, you've got to be able to look beyond the surface here and see what's really taking place. So he says, my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers against the powers. Listen, cancel this, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. Let me remind you and I made mention of this, even this past Sunday, and I said together that phrase, heavenly places is not talking about heaven. It is talking about the spiritual realm around us. That's just as real as this physical world we live in, that we see that we hear that we test we can smell that that is part of every part of our daily life that we live in this spiritual realm is just as real. And he is the ruler over this kingdom of darkness. That is As a part of this spiritual world that is around us. Now, in Ephesians, chapter two, I like you to turn there since we're right here in Ephesians. Notice that he says this and he's reminding us of the impact that that Satan in the kingdom of darkness had on our lives prior to coming to know Christ is our personal Lord and Savior. Let me set it up my reading verse one and then verse two, is the real verse I want us to take notice of it maybe begins in verse one, it says, you were dead in your trespasses in sans verse two, in which you formally walked according to the course of this world, according to the prints of the power of the air of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. And so what what Paul is reminding us of is that this The position that that Satan has as ruler over the darkness, this kingdom of darkness had a major, major influence on our lives, until we came to know Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. And he uses this position to manipulate our lives and manipulate churches to manipulate communities to manipulate countries. And ultimately it is this kingdom that Satan rules over. That's gonna lead us one day to that place that is called Armageddon. And that is talked about in Revelation. And I just want to make a note of that and just share this passage so you can be a mind of that. And as you see what is happening around the world, and as we prepare for that time, and I'm not promising as to when that's going to happen, but when that time comes, have an idea of what is coming. But listen to this in Revelation chapter 16, beginning of verse clerk timrie 1314, then skip down and read verse 16. So john writes this as the revelation is given to him, he says, an eye so coming out of the mouth of the dragon, that's another Alias Name for Satan and out of the mouth of the beast and the mouth of the False Prophet. Three unclean spirits like frogs talking about demonic spirits for and it says in verse 14, for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole earth to gather them together. Listen to us for the War of the great day of God, the Almighty, verse 16, and they gather them together, talking about the demonic forces, this kingdom of darkness, to the place which in Hebrew is called Are mageddon. And so when we're looking at our enemy, we need to understand his person. We need to understand his position as a ruse over this kingdom of darkness and is seeking to spread this spirit of darkness around the world. Which brings me to the third thing I want us to look at concerning our enemy. And that is his power. Power, I am talking about how he seeks to achieve his goal of spreading this darkness across the world that that by means of being able to devour us and and be able to deceive the world. And let's begin in the Gospel of john to kind of understand that john chapter eight. If you turn that with me And in verse 44, Jesus is in a conversation with some of this spiritual leaders of Israel scribes and Pharisees. And he is revealing to them who he is. But it's also revealing to them who they are, and actually who they're really following. But here's what he says in verse 44. As he is sharing this word with him, he says you talking to these fantasies and scraps as you are of your father, the devil. He says, and you want to do the desires of your father, he was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature for he is a liar, and he is the father of lies. Now listen carefully to this. The only power Satan has is the power of deception. The only power he has is the power of a lie. And he is the Father molars. What does that mean? That means that every time you and I in our lives where we have lied, whether it's an embellishment, or just an outright, just blatant lie, the one behind that the one manipulating that is safe and his kingdom of darkness, because the only influence he really has is that of deception, that of lying and deceiving people concerning the truth. And we need to be aware that just because we've accepted Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, it doesn't mean he no longer tries to deceive us, and tries to lie to us and get us to embrace those lies. Because when we do we end up sinning and maybe even fallen into a season of sand and we're struggling because We have allowed him to manipulate us even as children of God. And so, if you look with me in Second Corinthians for just a moment, Second Corinthians chapter two, and in verse 11. Paul addresses this with us. Let me let me read verse 10, just to set it up, but it's verse 11. That probably is going to come up on the screen for you. But in verse 10, Paul writes, but one whom you forgive anything I forgive also for indeed, what I have forgiven if I have forgiven given anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, so that listen carefully this no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes are ignorant of his Wiles are ignorant of his deceit His deception and the lies that he is constantly feeding our hearts and feeding our minds. And this is why out in the world we have so many people right now that are living in darkness, because they without realizing that they have embraced the lies they have embraced the second student he uses the world to deceive us. He uses our own simple nature that is in us to try to deceive us and deceive the world. And so we have a calling now listen this beard carefully mixing it to a degree Sunday morning. I want to come back to that tonight. And a lot of what we're talking about here, and that is that we need to help people see what is really going on. We need to be out for them. Open if you're with me to act chapter 26 Just a moment and act chapter 26. Paul is before King a grip. And he has given his testimonies given his defense. But really in essence, he has given his testimony. And he was sharing with him his experience on the road of Damascus when he had this incredible encounter with Christ. And Christ is shared with him what his mission This is what I'm calling you to do, Paul, and his mission is our mission as well. But here's what it says. In verse 18, Jesus says to him, to open their eyes, he says, I'm sending you to the Gentiles, he says, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may or may receive forgiveness of sins, and and inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in me remember, this is Christ, not Paul. This is Christ. Who is speaking to Paul. And so you say, this is your calling, I'm sending you out to help people have their eyes open up to the truth. So they can know forgiveness, they can have this eternal heavy inheritance of eternal life. And that's part of our calling. That's why we are called to be the light of the world. Christ is a lot of the world, but it's his light in us that needs to shine, because of the influence the power, meaning the influence to the deception and lies of Satan. We've got to be able to help them see the truth. And so we talked about the enemy. We talked about his person, we talked about His provision. We talk about his position, and we talk about his power. And then lastly, I want to talk about his purpose, his purpose. So I want you to turn with me to Ezekiel chapter 28. In the Old Testament, don't get me Get a little bit of time to get there. zekiel chapter 28 Satan's a traitor. And Satan is in direct rebellion against God. And it began in heaven, where his heart became filled with pride. And he wanted to be worshipped as God disliked the true living God is is worshiped. And so he wanted to set his throne above the Most High God. And so as a result of this rebellion, this is why he was cast now. And this is his purpose is to continue. He's still in rebellion against God. And we're the ones he's attacking as I said earlier. Now, you may ask the question, I want you to listen carefully to this because I want to make sure I'm clear what I'm saying to you. You may ask question why Or, yet why did God create the devil? He didn't. He created Lucifer. Lucifer means light bearer. Lucifer means son of the morning. And in zekiel, Chapter 28 in the beginning, and we'll read verse 11, and 12 and then pick up with verse 14, which is the key passage there. But it describes how God created what Lucifer was like when God created him. Listen to what it says, I'm reverses lemon 12 and then jumped down to verse 14, it says, again, the word of the Lord came to me saying, son of man pick up a limitation of the king of parents sent him that says the Lord God, you had this listen this. You have the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect and beauty verse 14, you were the anointed cherub, the naughty Chair of angel who covers and I placed you there. You were on the holy mountain of God, you walked in the midst of the stones, that is right there at the very throne of God. You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created. And so he created Lucifer, a light bearer some of the morning. But he created the angels the way He created us. He gave them freedom of choice. And Satan took that freedom of choice and chose because of the pride that grew up in his heart, to rebel against God. And in that rebellion, Lucifer became the devil. He became the father of darkness. Now, you might ask Why did he create the angels have the freedom of choice? Why did he create man with the freedom of choice? Well, here's the answer. Love is the greatest good of all. Let me say that again. Wow, is the greatest good of all. You might recall and the Gospel of Matthew and Matthew chapter 22. That Jesus was asked, What's the greatest commandment of all? You know it, but let me read it. The Scripture says in verses 36 and, and in also 37 says teacher, which is the great commandment in the law, and he said to him, you ought to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and and with all your mind. Here's think about Love. Love demands choice. So what do you mean by that? If I can't choose not to love you, then I can't choose to love you. Let me say that again. If I can't choose to not love you, then I don't have the capacity to choose to love you. If I can't choose to reject you, then I can't choose to receive you. Because love demands choice is the very nature and God being love desiring to invest his love and into us, and then receive back from us, our love loving it with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Then in his perfect wisdom and knowledge of all things, it was necessary for him to create the angels with the freedom of choice and to create man with the freedom of choice. And so here we have his person. We have his position, we have his power, we have his purpose, and he chose to rebel against God. It's also explained to us and described for us and the prophecy of Isaiah. So let me let me give that to you, as well as a chapter 14 and below With me beginning, in in verse 12. Describing statement is false is how you have fallen from heaven, oh star of the morning this is when we get the, the term Lucifer, son of the dawn. You have been cut down to the earth you have you, you who have weakened the nation but you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, I will sit on the mount of the assembly and the recesses of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the class, I will make myself like the most high is his ultimate purpose is he wants to be worshipped like God is worshipped. But the only way you can do that is to spread his darkness upon us through lying in through deceiving. So here, we begin. Am I recognizing the evil one? But let's go back to our text in Matthew chapter six, verse 13. I want to tell you about a second thing and that is this we need to rely on the sovereign one we recognize the evil one. But we rely on the sovereign one. I just want you to understand that everything I've just told you about, about Satan is is not to frighten you. We have absolutely no reason at all to fear sight. Now, when I say that, I don't mean to stick your head in the sand. The first verse we looked at first Peter five eight said, Hey, be silver be on the alert, because Satan is like a roaring hang and he's out to devour you. So don't misunderstand what I'm saying. But there's absolutely no reason to fear Satan because As Jesus puts it here, the Lord God most high, he's the ultimate authority. And he's the ultimate power. And there's no reason to fear. All we have to do is turn directly to him for him again, here's what he said, Pray in this manner. Do not lead us into temptation, but let you Lord God you my father, my father, who is the Lord God knows, can you deliver me from evil for listen to it again? Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory for him. May I remind you, that Jesus is himself has been given all authority, that means sovereign authority in heaven and on the earth. So what he wants us to do do is to ask for his help dealing with the temptations and delivering us from evil. And we have within us the power of the Holy Spirit may remind you in first john chapter four, and in verse four, the scripture says says as first john chapter four, verse four says, You are from God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is He who is in us and he, meaning Satan and his kingdom of darkness that is in this world. And James chapter four and verse seven, and I close with this. Scripture gets us the formula of what we need to do. He says, submit, therefore to God, notice the prerequisite. Don't miss that. Submit. First of all, therefore the God then resist the devil. He will flee from you. And I think it's fascinating that even a Scripture tells us in the book of Jude that when Michael the Archangel was in a, I struggle over the body of Moses, the scripture says that, that Michael did not speak Jackman against Satan that said, The Lord rebuke you. So even Michael the Archangel was saying, look, call upon the one who is the sovereign one, who is the ultimate authority and power, who is king of kings and who is lord of lords, and who is the God of all and he'll help you with your temptations and deliver you from the evil one. So my word to you is in your morning devotion every morning this would be a good part of it. Say, Lord is that go out today. I'm trusting you, to deliver me from the evil one. And to deliver to me from the temptations that come my way. So I hope you have received this word and hope you've enjoyed the study of, of the Lord's Prayer, going deeper, going in more depth and all the truth is built around it. And I hope it's been a blessing to you. I've thoroughly enjoyed studying this with you. So build it into your life. And may the Lord bless you the rest of this week, and I hope that you'll be able to join us again, this coming Sunday for those of you number one, just remind you, if you have an illness, then stay at home, be at peace. Join us online. If you have an underlining condition that you're concerned about or you're just not there yet still concerned about getting out because of the virus. Be at peace. Stay at home join us online. But if you can be here, we'd love to have you as we meet in person at nine o'clock and 11 o'clock to worship our Lord blessings with you in Jesus name. God bless

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