Washington Baptist Church

To Be The Light You Got To…

Rusty Freeman

To Be The Light You Got To…

  1. HAVE The Light. John 8:12
  2. Know The Light – John 12:46
  3. WEAR The Light – Romans 13:12(b)-14
  4. Suffer for The Light – James 1:2-4 / 1 Peter 3:13-18 / 4:1-4
  5. SHINE The Light – Philippians 2:14-16(a)
  6. Live The Light – Ephesians 5:1,3-9 / Romans 12:2(a)
  7. FOLLOW The Light – Psalm 119:105 / Matthew 4:19
  8. See The Light – Matthew 4:16-18
  9. UNCOVER The Light – Matthew 5:14
  10. Unashamed of The Light – Matthew 5:16(a)
  11. REFLECT The Light – Matthew 5:16(b)
  12. Love The Light / HATE The Dark – Psalm 97:10

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