Washington Baptist Church

Sign of the Times Part 7

December 13, 2020 Stan Candler

Matthew 24:3
Prophetic International Players


1. Sign#1 – The Rebirth of Israel:
2. Sign #2 – The Resurrection of the Roman Empire
3. Sign #3 – The Resurgence of Russia & Allies
4. Sign #4 – The Rise of China
5. Sign #5 – The Reality of America 

• To Proclaim the Gospel

• To Protect God’s People

    Prophetic Spiritual Signs
     Matthew 24:37

1. A Time of Spiritual Decline
Genesis 6:5
II Thessalonians 2:3a

• Secular Humanism
(A philosophy embracing man as the highest order of nature
with human reasoning, secular ethics, and naturalism as the
ultimate source of living life, while completely rejecting any 
belief in God, the supernatural, and absolute values.)
Genesis 3:1-6 

• Secular Humanist: John Dewey & Charles Darwin

• Secular Humanism produced two movements:

- The Evolution Movement

- The Enlightenment Movement

2. A Time of Shameful Depravity
Genesis 6:5
II Thessalonians 2:7
II Timothy 3:1-5

3. A time of Strong Delusion

4. A time of Sudden Destruction

5. A time of Some Devotion

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