Washington Baptist Church

Praying Parents

Stan Candler

Praying Parents
Matthew 7:7-11


1.    Ask and you will receive
Matthew 7:7a
James 4:2c
Matthew 6:7-8

·      We Pray . . .


-       Not to IMPRESS GOD

-       Not to INFORM GOD

-       But to INVITE GOD

                                     @ Partnership Factor
                                     @ Personal Growth Factor
                                     @ Practicing Faith Factor

·      His Answer may be . . .

-       Direct

-       Different

-       Delayed

-       Denied
Matthew 7:7-11

2.    Seek and you will find
Matthew 7:7b


·      His Will – I John 5:14-15

·      His Word – Psalm 119:18

·      His Way – Proverbs 3:6


3.    Knock and the door will be opened
Matthew 7:7c
Psalm 84:11


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