Washington Baptist Church

Wise or Foolish

Stan Candler

Wise or Foolish
Proverbs 11:30

1.     Spiritual Openness
 Revelation 2:11
 Acts 4:32a
 Luke 22:41-42
 Isaiah 55:8-9 

·      His Superiority 

·      His Strategies 
Joshua 6:1-5 (Only put the reference up)
Joshua 8:1-7 (Only put the reference up)

·      His Support
Isaiah 41:10

2.    Spiritual Obedience

·      The Requirement

Matthew 7:24

·      The Results
Matthew 7:25-2

3.    Spiritual Opportunity
Matthew 7:7-8


·      Ask

·      Seek

·      Knock

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