The New Abnormal

Anna Kirah 'Think long-term in a short-term world'

Sean Pillot de Chenecey

Series Three

This episode of #TheNewAbnormal podcast features the renowned design anthropologist and psychologist  Anna Kirah. She's an expert in pioneering qualitative research methods used to gather deep insights to understand people's motivations and expectations as well as their articulated and unarticulated needs, and to link this understanding to the design of services, products and organisational change. 

Anna's experience in Boeing and Microsoft has given her global recognition for her work related to people-centred innovation, service design & design thinking, co-creation & interdisciplinary collaboration;  as well as how to lead an organisation in a turbulent age. 

She’s writing a book about design anthropology 'Working on the Edge' (in collaboration with other anthropologists) and is also writing one 'on leadership in an age of change' called Do You Care? 

So, we discuss all the above - and more - in an episode that I hope you'll find deeply interesting.