The New Abnormal

Johanna Hoffman 'Speculative Futures: illuminating the way ahead'

Sean Pillot de Chenecey

Series Three

This episode of #TheNewAbnormal podcast features the designer, urbanist and strategist Johanna Hoffman, who explores the ties between design, planning, fiction and futures. 

She's the founder of California-based Design for Adaptation, a studio using strategic planning, interactive storytelling and speculative design to survey the impacts of potential futures and spur proactive adaptation. 

Johanna also works with other firms, implementing foresight assessment, futures research, story and strategy to help people, cities and organisations understand what future changes mean for them, and develop actionable plans in response.

In this episode, she explains how the emerging field of speculative futures can help us dream - and build - better, sustainable, and more equitable cities for everyone. Her new book 'Speculative Futures: Design Approaches to Navigate Change, Foster Resilience, and Co-Create the Cities We Need' is out now!