The New Abnormal

Roger Spitz 'The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption'

Sean Pillot de Chenecey

Series Three

This episode of #TheNewAbnormal podcast features Roger Spitz, who is an international bestselling author, President of Techistential and Chair of the Disruptive Futures Institute.

Based in San Francisco, he’s an authority on foresight, sustainability, and systemic change. He also publishes extensively on decision-making in uncertain and complex environments.

Techistential, Roger’s foresight practice, advises boards, leadership teams, and investors on sustainable value creation. In addition, he developed the Disruptive Futures Institute into a preeminent global executive education centre which helps organizations build capacity for futures intelligence, resiliency, transformative innovation, and strategic foresight.

During our conversation, we discuss his four-book collection “The Definitive Guide to Thriving on Disruption” in which he lays the foundations to make sense of our increasingly complex, nonlinear, and unpredictable world - where disruption is no longer merely a single or recurring event, but a steady state, expanding its impact.

We discuss all of the above, and along the way, manage to cover topics ranging from Eastern philosophy to prediction to micro-learning to science-fiction.

I therefore hope you enjoy listening to the episode as much as I did recording it!