The New Abnormal

John Seabrook 'The intersection between creativity and commerce re: tech, design, and music’

April 21, 2024 Sean Pillot de Chenecey

Series Two

This episode of 'The New Abnormal' features Brooklyn-based John Seabrook, a staff writer at The New Yorker since the 90's as well as being the author of a range of superb books including 'The Song Machine: Inside the Hit Factory' / 'Nobrow: The Culture of Marketing—The Marketing of Culture' / 'Deeper: My Two-Year Odyssey in Cyberspace / 'Flash of Genius, and Other True Stories of Invention'

In the interview we discuss his views on all of the above, along with a range of his other recent articles for the New Yorker. 

Therefore, his viewpoints take us on a fascinating path as we discuss issues inc artificial intelligence & smart composition, counter-surveillance strategies & fashion innovation, a robopop perspective on the record label of the future, social hierarchies in a commercialised culture, and social fragmentation in the post-digital / post-Covid age. 

Plus, of course, his take on 'Hope  / Community / Resilience' which link all of #TheNewAbnormal podcasts...