Every Child's Champion

Children and Trauma: A Look at Resilience in Early Childhood Development, with Allen Rosales

Allen Rosales Season 3 Episode 21

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The incidence of childhood trauma is higher than most people think: many, many of our children have experienced what experts refer to as “developmental trauma,” meaning the cumulative effects of chronically dangerous and stressful environments and daily life circumstances. Often, we teachers are unaware of the fact that challenging behaviors in the classroom are actually symptoms of this early trauma. There are strategies available to help teachers and children alike in developing resilience throughout their day-to-day living. This episode  hopes to bring a trauma-informed lens to all of our work. 

Our guest for today’s podcast, Allen Rosales, has been in the early childhood field for  over 27 years, and is the Director of Professional Learning and Development for the Carole Robertson Center for Learning in Chicago, a large, urban Head Start agency. He has published an early childhood curriculum book for teachers entitled Mathematizing, an Emergent Math Curriculum Approach for Young Children. In 2021, he published Allen children's books series focused on supporting and developing children's resiliency skills. Allen’s impression of the roots of childhood trauma, the toxic stress that children in poverty are exposed to, and his appreciation for the keys to building resiliency can benefit all of us. His books and his explanations will take us all deeper into understanding what children need in order to cope with traumatic or stressful experiences and develop life skills for weathering whatever storms may come in their futures. 

Make sure you tune in to this podcast, share it with colleagues, as we discover  the inner secrets of being Every Child’s Champion! (Refer to the Chapter Markers tab for time stamped highlights) 

About Allen Rosales 

Allen Rosales has been a teacher, an education manager, a coach, and is still currently a  professor and a national presenter. He is an author and now he's currently the Director  of professional learning and development for the Carole Robertson Centre for Learning  in Chicago. He designs and facilitates professional learning communities for leadership  and for teaching staff, in the process of trying to enhance the learning climate and the  culture of the organization.

Allen has published several books. He's published an early childhood curriculum book  for teachers that was titled Mathematizing: An Emergent Math Curriculum Approach  for Young Children, which is a really good book. Also, in the summer of 2021, Allen  published a series of four children's books that are focused on supporting and  developing children's resiliency skills. 

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Push Past It! An  interview with Dr. Angela Searcy, Ep20