Every Child's Champion

Creating a Classroom Community

Sara Beach - Synapse Early Learning Systems

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The emotional climate of the classroom is established by the teachers, and not the students! YOU get to decide what values are most important in your classroom. Things like kindness, patience, helpfulness, acceptance, and friendship are values you have to intentionally teach, promote, and reinforce on a daily basis, if you want them to be exemplified in your classroom. Establishing a positive climate begins with your Relationships with the children - which have to be thoughtfully cultivated!  But it also includes child-to-child relationships. Relationship skills such as "how to be kind," "how to give a compliment," "how to make be a friend," and "how to be respectful of each other" --these things have to be explicitly taught, and intentionally promoted every single day by the teachers. If you want kids to care about each other, you have to talk about that! Talk about how they feel if one of them hurts the another - and how they need to treat each other in order to be liked and to be friends. Teachers can be very intentional about building into daily routines, a variety of positive, community-building features that help children learn to take care of each other and develop the social skills they need to succeed in life. For helpful handouts and other resources, go to the Resource page on our website, at:  https://synapseearlylearning.com/resources-2/