Every Child's Champion

How Trauma and Toxic Stress Impact Preschoolers and What You Can Do To Help Them Heal

Sara Beach Season 1 Episode 9

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The COVID19 Pandemic is wreaking havoc on our individual and collective mental health in this country and around the world. As scary, stressful and anxiety producing as the quarantine has been on all of us, we can anticipate that there are some real consequences for young children and their development. Preschoolers' brains are still in a rapid period of development, and that is directly dependent upon children's experiences and relationships. We know that "serve and return" interactions with adult attachment figures is what matters most for children's brains to continue building healthy connections and lay down strong neuropathways for skills such as self regulation. But during these very uncertain times, parents high levels of stress as well as the economic ramifications of the pandemic, put in peril the very conditions (safety, routines, positive relationships) that children depend on. In this episode Sara addresses brain development and the negative impacts of trauma and toxic stress in young children, and shares with listeners the ways they can help their young students to overcome these impacts after returning to school, Head Start, and child care once it is safe to do so.