The Garden Thyme Podcast

Periodical Cicada with Dr. Mike Raupp

May 21, 2021 Garden Thyme Podcast Season 2

 Hello Listener, 

In this bonus episode, we chatted with local university legend, entomologist, professor emeritus Dr. Mike Raupp, about the Brood X periodic cicadas.  The Great Northern Brood is emerging from their seventeen-year slumber to feast, socialize, and reproduce. Dr. Raupp answers our questions about what distinguishes this brood from our annual dog-day cicadas, how do they know when to come out of the ground, and what if anything we need to do to protect our garden plants from them.

We hope you enjoyed this month's episode and will tune in next month for more garden tips. 

Visit the UMD Cicada Crew website

If you have any garden-related questions please email us at 
 or look us up on Facebook at For more information about UME and these topics, please check out the UME Home and Garden Information Center website at

The Garden Thyme Podcast is a monthly podcast where we help you get down and dirty in your garden.  The Garden Thyme Podcast is brought to you by the University of Maryland Extension. Hosts are Mikaela Boley- Senior Agent Associate (Talbot County) for Horticulture, Rachel Rhodes- Agent Associate for Horticulture (Queen Anne’s County), and Emily Zobel-Senior Agent Associate for Agriculture (Dorchester County).

The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs.

Opening Theme Song:  By Jason Inc
Cicada chorus:  University of Connecticut