Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Venus at Cazimi at the Libra Star Point

October 22, 2022 Tami

Dear Soul Family,

Venus is at Cazimi, or exactly aligned with the Sun today, October 22, 2022 at 4:57 pm Central.  This is a time of great magic and potentcy in ancient western astrology.  I see this as a 3 day window of ceremony though today certainly is the high point!

This is the very heart of the 584 ½ day Venus in Capricorn Cycle we began in January of this year that will complete in August.  This Venus Sun exterior/superior conjunction occurs at the Karmic degree of 29 Libra and activates a peacemaking frequency we haven't felt or seen since 1876. 

My feeling is that this Venus in Capricorn Underworld Portal from about September 19 to December 2 is in fact the very heart of the larger Age Change we're in the midst of.  What could be a greater healing medicine to support us in “composting" Capricorn Patriarchy than the most fully mature expression of Libra?

When considering how we might restore a sacred culture here in the Americas and across the Globe during this “Capricorn Crucible” period, I often turn to the stories of the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois whose brilliant governing systems greatly influenced the more enlightened elements of the U.S. Constitution. 

When I think of this great meeting of the Sun and Venus in Libra within the context of the Capricorn Venus Cycle I think of Jighonsasee, or the “Mother of Nations” who joined forces with the Great Peacemaker and Hiawatha to bring peace to the five warring tribes along the eastern portion the U.S. and establish a Great Law of Peace. 

Even in the midst of the darkest days prior to the Great Law of Peace she held a space inclusive of all.  In her lodge, men from all five tribes would come together in peace.  It was through the work she had already been doing to mend the wounds of generations of violence that the Peacemaker could accomplish his mission of a harmonious society. 

I go into greater depth about this Venus Cazimi moment in my podcast.  listen in here!