Earth Sky Woman Podcast

On Prophecy, Amazon Oil Spills and Hope

Tami Season 1 Episode 6

I met Kumiko in 2017 at a permaculture design workshop on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. My conversation with Kumiko begins an interweaving of our stories of awakening--hers in the Ecuadorian Amazon, me in the Sacred Valley of Peru.  For the past five years Kumiko has been raising awareness of the indigenous communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest.

I had the desire to interview Kumiko last week because May 19-21 are days of Sacred Timing in the Mayan lands which have so influenced me--at the 19 degree latitude where Chichen Itza and the Ix Chel Temples are located and the conjunction of the Sun (and today's New Moon) near the Pleiades on their day of Solar Zenith, which was one of the features of the 2012 Prophecies, as this can only happen every approximately 26,000 years within a 72 year window.

Kumiko and I both are deeply informed and fueled in our work by the guiding prophecies of Turtle Island and Abya Yala (terms indigenous peoples use for North America and the Americas respectively) including the Eagle and the Condor Prophecy, White Buffalo Calf prophecy, and many others. 

Sheltered in place in her beloved Ecuador just weeks after another devastating oil spill nearby, she speaks  of her great hope arising from darkness as she sees indigenous people becoming ever stronger in their solidarity with one another and increased visibility in the world.

Kumiko is an Earth Sky woman, moving between the worlds of her Santa Fe, New Mexico homeland and the Amazon Rainforest, straddling the worlds of Eagle and Condor, Mind and Heart, her ancestral lineage and Buddhist practice from roots in Japan and indigenous cultures from the jungles of Ecuador to the plains of South Dakota.  Listen in to learn more about prophecies, plant medicine, and world bridging with Kumiko. 
Kumiko Releases a Trailer for Her New Film: The Roots Awaken TODAY for the New Moon!  Find out more HERE: