Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Cancer New Moon Opposite Saturn: Bless the Bones

July 19, 2020 Tami

This second Cancer New Moon carrying the next octave of the magnificent energies seeded at the Summer Solstice Super New Moon Lunar Eclipse of our lifetimes.

News from Turtle Island--top tier--blessings, celebration and gratitude regarding recent victories surrounding Keystone Pipeline, acquisition of lands by tribes for nearly half of the state of Oklahoma, all who stood up and protested Trump's rally in the Black Hills.

Prayers for all now struggling with Covid understanding communities of color and communities of poverty are impacted at vastly greater rates than communities of greater resource.  Gratitude for continued protests and consciousness raising around the brutal systems of white supremacy against black communities.

May we continue here in the U.S. to wake up and not look away from what is most difficult but stand with our communities of color and those of least resource and greatest burden of intergenerational trauma, commiting ourselves to dismantling systems of oppression and opening our imagination to a new reality where we are all supported and thriving. 

Holding ourselves in kindness and compassion as we continue to remain awake, embodied, continually stretching beyond our comfort zone and in so doing gaining power and resource and aliveness and breaking our addition to negativity, apathy, stagnancy and martyrdom, choosing a new way with fierce gladness and adventurous hearts.

Cancer New Moon
 July 20 12:33 pm Central
Second Cancer New Moon in One Month
Opposite Saturn
Eris stationing Retrograde
Gemini Venus Morning Star at the Crown Chakra Gate
Mars in Aries conjunct Chiron Square Mercury
Venus approaching 3rd Square to Neptune

This is SUCH a powerful window around this New Moon for intention setting (and you can do this ANY TIME YOU LISTEN--Gemini is a time bender and we can re-enter time) to fully anchor in our dreams and visions vividly and concretely and with full feeling.  We are experiencing potent breakthroughs now and gaining clarity on what we will accept and what we won't, what our bottom line is.  

Who is or is not our family or community, where home is or is not, what actions we need to take to actively belong more to our chosen family, community, land.  Why self care and listening to our personal human nonnegotiable needs is absolutely imperative  in combination to surrendering what is in the hands of the Infinite/Source/God/ess/Greater Power. 

I also share some of the incredible resources I've been finding with a focus on the black visionaries, miracle workers and resources to support that have been waking me up in big ways. 

So much love to all of you!!