Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Lunar Lammas Aquarius Full Moon

August 02, 2020 Tami

Happy Lammas Aquarius Full Moon All!  The Aquarius Full Moon is exact Monday morning, August 3 at 10:59 am Central, in a square to Uranus.  Also this month features Sirus at heliacal rise, the 8.8 Lion's Gate, South Node with the Central Sun (Galactic Center), Uranus stationing Retrograde and Venus continuing her journey of dismantling all that stands in the way of each of us finding our own personal voice, telling the New World Story together.

Mars in Aries squares Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn, adding to the volatility in the field.  This is a month to continue maintaining our center and grounding, practicing compassion and kindness for ourselves and others--cultivating yin practices of self nourishment. Yet it is also time to take consistent action, to continue to connect with the communities and individuals who feed our souls. 

We are on a collective journey here, so while it is essential to take time to listen to our own soul voice, it is not a time to isolate. Surround yourself with voices that nourish your soul.  Immerse yourself in communities that foster grounded healing conversation and practice.  

Increasingly we must guard against absorbing and taking in too much information without being able to metabolize it. Learn to integrate and digest information through your own filters of intuition, experience, prayer, as well as left brain reasoning. Knowing when to surrender what is out of our control to forces larger than ourselves. 

Practicing opening our inner portal to be in conversation with Diety, through time in nature, prayer, in sacred context with others, is as vital as food and water for many of us.