Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Pisces Full Corn Moon and September Forecast

September 02, 2020 Tami

The Pisces Full Moon Trine Uranus was exact this morning at 12:22 am Central.
As I recorded this podcast at 8 pm Central the Moon was nearly exactly conjunct Neptune. 
So we have a supportive celestial love and unity field generated by the high heart of Pisces/Neptune harmonized with the healthy detachment of Uranus. 

And do we ever need that kindness, gentleness, Unity consciousness offered at the beginning of the month to soften the edges of the very "real" and dynamic energies right in our faces!

Because this week we have a T-Square with Venus and Saturn activating Mars, which is near conjunction with Eris and Black Moon Lilith--Badass Goddesses in their own right.  

Mars is preparing to station retrograde September 9, so it is bright and very close to the Earth, and will remain close to a square with Saturn, also slowing down and preparing to station direct September 28.

This energy--of fast moving, bold, passionate Mars in Aries turned backward and constrained by Saturn--can feel oppressive or frustrating if we don't know what we're encountering.  If we work constructively with it, we can learn to harness the very vital energies and work steadily toward cherished goals and dreams, it is a time for strategizing, for cultivating self responsibility in many areas.

The pressure we feel can help us cultivate our inner mastery, we can become as diamonds. 

We also have South Node at Galactic Center—drawing up from the source… access to ancestral and indigenous wisdom, connecting us to this time of prophecy, this “Turning of an Age.”

This is a month to get really steady in the practices that ground us, nourish us, help us blow off and channel aggressive energies in a constructive way, and to become acutely conscious of the energies, thoughts, information we are bringing into our field.  

This is a time for discernment and guarding our strength, our priorities, and what we hold as precious.  More in the episode, enjoy!