Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Super Libra Full Moon Opposite Venus and Chiron

March 28, 2021 Tami

 Dear Soul Family,

Happy  Super Libra Full Moon opposite Venus and Chiron!  In this season of Aries with Sun, Venus, Chiron and asteroids Ceres and Eris all in the sign, the Libra Full Moon balances the fiery polarity of forward momentum with the need to consider our contribution to the whole.

If you've been feeling the feels, no wonder.  The Full Moon at perigee (which we feel through the entire Full Moon window extending through tomorrow night) means the Moon is extremely close to the Earth so we feel her medicine through the tides of fluids in our physical and emotional bodies. 

With the Venus Underworld Chiron conjunction, we also experience a very personal and vivid transmission of how our current Chiron in Aries journey is supporting the rise of the feminine to bring our world back into balance.  Maybe we are confronting our own need to change and our resistance to this change as a rising tide of emotion in the body, needing release through right action.

The vibrant Libra Full Moon in all her power compels us to move toward mutuality, harmony, equality, reciprocity--to balance impulsive action with the needs of the whole, of the Other, whomever that may be.  

For some of us, especially those with Chiron in Aries (if you were born between 1968-1977 in most cases) the Venus Chiron activation might force you to balance in the direction of Aries, recognizing there can be no collective harmony without healthy self-claiming.

This means we cannot be a healthy part of the necessary movement from separation to Unity Consciousness UNLESS we are actively and daily practicing our own personal "right to exist," healing the wounds of people pleasing or narcissism by confronting and challenging the core wound--a free floating shame for taking up space and existing in our current identity--this is the crux of the Chiron Aries Wound.

I explore all this and much more including how the Chiron in Aries transit from 2018-2027 is playing out for us as a collective and how to best navigate it in this podcast.  Enjoy!