Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Coming Alive: Happy Super Scorpio Full Moon!


 Dear Soul Family,

Happy Super Full Moon in Scorpio, and Lunar Beltane!

This is the Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon, depending on where you stand if you are on Turtle Island. Also this is the Full Moon at the Heart of Ramadan for Muslims; for Hindus it is Hanuman Jayanti a time for celebrating the birth of Lord Hanuman, for Buddhists especially in Sri Lanka this is Bak Poya, and for Eastern Christians this is the Paschal Full Moon prior to Easter.

This powerful Full Moon is exact tonight at 10:32 pm Central and we will feel it strongly in the coming days.  The Moon is with Khambalia, the Star in the foot of the Virgin Constellation, known for transmitting esoteric and magical knowledge.  The Full Moon is also in a trine with Mars and features Uranus conjunct the Sun, Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith (True Node) and Mercury. 

Pluto is preparing to station retrograde tomorrow, Tuesday, April 27 and Venus is preparing to emerge into the Evening Sky from her Underworld journey since February 14 in the beams of the Sun.  She will be visible to most by May 5 near the Pleiades and within days will trine Pluto and move into Gemini.

This is the closest Full Moon to Beltane so it would have historically opened the Beltane Window as Lunar Beltane.  The official cross quarter date is May 1, this Saturday, and exact Solar Beltane is May 4/5 when it is precisely poised between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.

This is the season of magic, of beauty, of sensual aliveness... of opening to life and saying yes to pleasure in all its forms.  We have been doing the work to heal our ancestral trauma, to return to our bodies and the present moment with greater skill, even in times of great challenge.

Get out into the world now, and make time to receive the many gifts of Mama Gaia and your beloved human community.  It is time to celebrate the great privilege of being incarnated into a body, to thaw our hearts where we have become numb, to allow rivers of grief or full feeling to cleanse us so we can open more fully to what is.

 This is a time for us to practice the art of receiving and intimacy--which might mean allowing our hearts to be pierced open, and practicing great gentleness with ourselves if we are tender as we open to receive more sensation, more connection, more aliveness and light to move into our bodies.

More in this podcast, so much love to you on this magnificent Full Moon!