Earth Sky Woman Podcast

Happy Libra New Moon!

October 06, 2021 Tami
Happy Libra New Moon!
Earth Sky Woman Podcast
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Earth Sky Woman Podcast
Happy Libra New Moon!
Oct 06, 2021

Happy Libra New Moon Beloved Soul Family!

Today's Libra New Moon at 14 Libra exact this morning at 6:02 am central is with Mercury and Mars in the Corvus (Crow) Constellation in a square to Pluto, stationing direct this afternoon in its 4th square to Eris since January 2020.  If you're feeling mighty energies moving through you now you are not alone.  SO much is coming through for us to clear and release in this portal.

By the 9th, Venus will have moved into Sagittarius and met the Moon to enter the Brow Chakra Gate near Deschubba, the Eye of the Scorpion.  Over the coming month as we near completion our Jupiter in Aquarius cycle, Venus helps us awaken our inner Vision Carrier and she asks of us all--what is the greater Vision for my life and how I want to serve the whole and share my light?

Mars, in an Aries cycle since October, 2020, is going through a death phase at the heart of the Libra Sun, with the exact conjunction on October 11.  Mercury, still in a retrograde cycle until the 18th, is in council with Mars at the heart of the Sun bringing back messages to us over the coming months regarding the New Masculine--he who has died to his old patterns of violence and conflict and has been rebirthed as a guardian of life and right relationship. 

This is a confronting energy and who we most need to confront is ourselves--that is, to confront and dismantle the untruths we've beleived about our inability to change or grow or take the necessary leaps.  Momentum is building for massive and much needed change.  By October 18 Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury will have also stationed direct and we want to have used this Mercury Retrograde period to align ourselves with our greater selves so the Universe can launch us and our dreams through the threshold of 2022.

 Our collective contraction has been a necessary chrysallis phase and now is the time to burst forth.   Life wants to move through us now, with joy and celebration.  If you are already in momentum in your life and powerfully aligned with your truth, your momentum will be accelerated to flow toward your greater purpose and mission. 

If you have needed to make changes but felt stuck and stagnant, the powerful squares and planetary direct stations featured over the coming two weeks give you the impetus and rocket fuel to make the massive changes--and quickly.  It is time to shake off the old fear, the hesitation, the habit of overthinking and simply act from a greater truth living within us, compelling us to rise. 

If you have been waiting for someone or some force larger than yourself to save you, to step in and tell  you how to live, who to be, and what to do, now is the time to break that codependent pattern.

You are the one who holds the power.  You are the one who knows.  You are the one blessed by the Universe to accomplish what only your heart and higher vision can perceive and bring into manifestation.  Your ancestors are urging you forward now to accomplish what they could not.  Justice, truth, freedom, liberation. For you, yes, and also for all those in your field of influence.

From now through the 18th is the actional phase of putting together the pieces, making the connections, preparing to bring something into the world. This will mean reaching out to people who deeply inspire you.  Finally making that call, sending that message, convening the people and groups who are on your same trajectory and with whom you can co-create with the greatest delight and aliveness. 
 Finally making decisions, taking risks, moving TOWARD life rather than shrinking from it.  It is truly time to live by the Goethe quote: “Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.”

Show Notes

Happy Libra New Moon Beloved Soul Family!

Today's Libra New Moon at 14 Libra exact this morning at 6:02 am central is with Mercury and Mars in the Corvus (Crow) Constellation in a square to Pluto, stationing direct this afternoon in its 4th square to Eris since January 2020.  If you're feeling mighty energies moving through you now you are not alone.  SO much is coming through for us to clear and release in this portal.

By the 9th, Venus will have moved into Sagittarius and met the Moon to enter the Brow Chakra Gate near Deschubba, the Eye of the Scorpion.  Over the coming month as we near completion our Jupiter in Aquarius cycle, Venus helps us awaken our inner Vision Carrier and she asks of us all--what is the greater Vision for my life and how I want to serve the whole and share my light?

Mars, in an Aries cycle since October, 2020, is going through a death phase at the heart of the Libra Sun, with the exact conjunction on October 11.  Mercury, still in a retrograde cycle until the 18th, is in council with Mars at the heart of the Sun bringing back messages to us over the coming months regarding the New Masculine--he who has died to his old patterns of violence and conflict and has been rebirthed as a guardian of life and right relationship. 

This is a confronting energy and who we most need to confront is ourselves--that is, to confront and dismantle the untruths we've beleived about our inability to change or grow or take the necessary leaps.  Momentum is building for massive and much needed change.  By October 18 Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury will have also stationed direct and we want to have used this Mercury Retrograde period to align ourselves with our greater selves so the Universe can launch us and our dreams through the threshold of 2022.

 Our collective contraction has been a necessary chrysallis phase and now is the time to burst forth.   Life wants to move through us now, with joy and celebration.  If you are already in momentum in your life and powerfully aligned with your truth, your momentum will be accelerated to flow toward your greater purpose and mission. 

If you have needed to make changes but felt stuck and stagnant, the powerful squares and planetary direct stations featured over the coming two weeks give you the impetus and rocket fuel to make the massive changes--and quickly.  It is time to shake off the old fear, the hesitation, the habit of overthinking and simply act from a greater truth living within us, compelling us to rise. 

If you have been waiting for someone or some force larger than yourself to save you, to step in and tell  you how to live, who to be, and what to do, now is the time to break that codependent pattern.

You are the one who holds the power.  You are the one who knows.  You are the one blessed by the Universe to accomplish what only your heart and higher vision can perceive and bring into manifestation.  Your ancestors are urging you forward now to accomplish what they could not.  Justice, truth, freedom, liberation. For you, yes, and also for all those in your field of influence.

From now through the 18th is the actional phase of putting together the pieces, making the connections, preparing to bring something into the world. This will mean reaching out to people who deeply inspire you.  Finally making that call, sending that message, convening the people and groups who are on your same trajectory and with whom you can co-create with the greatest delight and aliveness. 
 Finally making decisions, taking risks, moving TOWARD life rather than shrinking from it.  It is truly time to live by the Goethe quote: “Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it.”