Pulpit Power Podcast

Was Blind But Now I See

Pastor Tony Scheving

Have you ever been blinded to something but then something clicked and then you could see? It’s almost like what happened to Saul. God blinded Saul, which hanged his life around, but the only way for Saul to see again was by Ananias. God had a plan for Saul and Ananias got to play a semi-big role in his life. Ananias was skeptical at first and even argued with God about going to Saul, but God basically told Ananias that everything would work out. God had many plans for Saul, he was a chosen vessel by Christ. Saul in his life time when through many persecutions because of the gospel, but he knew what was ahead and that was seeing God. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Please join Pastor Scheving as he preaches on “Was Blind But Now I See.”