Pulpit Power Podcast

The Joyful Christian Worker

February 24, 2019 Pastor Tony Scheving

We are born again to go out and serve. Also, to have a zeal and excitement when we serve. Peter had a lot of zeal for going out and serving the Lord. We are valuable to God but sometimes before we are valuable we have to be humbled first. This happened with Peter. Peter overcame that with God’s leading and even led him to be involved in some miracles such as Tabitha. Tabitha was a joyful servant and did what she could for the Lord but became sick and died, but when Peter came in the room. Once he was in the room he made everyone leave the room to pray over Tabitha and after that he told her to arise and she did. With that many believed in the Lord. Both Peter and Tabitha were joyful workers of the Lord. Just as they were joyful workers we should be as well. Please join Pastor Scheving as he preaches on “The Joyful Christian Worker.”