The AGC Experience

Overcoming a nuclear bomb in your life

March 29, 2021 Accelerated Global Connections

The AGC Experience podcast features our AGC Talks speakers sharing their message in an audio podcast that you can listen to from anywhere. Listen in to our recent AGC Talks featured guest.  


Listen as Charles Gollop shares a motivational talk Overcoming a nuclear bomb in your life with AGC Iowa February 2021 


Chuck overcame a near-fatal, on-duty motorcycle crash and made lemonade from a million crushed lemons. That lemonade was further crushed, and Chuck made the best lemonade ever. Learn how to make lemonade out of your lemonade. Lemonade, is after all, just an attitude. 


Learning Objectives: 

  • overcome mental obstacles 
  • overcome physical obstacles 
  • overcome societal obstacles 
  • learn how to pivot your entire life 


Speaker Bio: 

Retired police sergeant that became a comedian, then retired from that to become a realtor. Yeah, it's weird. I get it. 

AGC Accelerated Global Connections is a business networking organization that helps connect business professionals globally through in person networking, motivational talks, and online social profiles. To learn more about AGC and membership in this growing organization.  Visit