The Misophonia Podcast

Carolyn - RV living amplifies misophonia challenges.

December 15, 2023 Adeel Ahmad Season 7 Episode 19
Carolyn - RV living amplifies misophonia challenges.
The Misophonia Podcast
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The Misophonia Podcast
Carolyn - RV living amplifies misophonia challenges.
Dec 15, 2023 Season 7 Episode 19
Adeel Ahmad


In this conversation, Carolyn shares her experiences living with misophonia and offers insights into coping strategies and managing triggers in various environments. She emphasizes the importance of normalizing misophonia and open communication in intimate relationships. Carolyn also highlights the benefits of nature and sensory grounding techniques for finding relief. The conversation touches on the impact of stress on misophonia and the challenges of living in an RV with the condition. 


  • Misophonia stories need to be shared and normalized to raise awareness and understanding.
  • Coping strategies like mental mantras and sensory grounding techniques can help manage misophonia triggers.
  • Open communication is crucial in intimate relationships to navigate misophonia triggers.
  • Nature and outdoor environments can provide relief from misophonia triggers.
  • Stress levels can impact the intensity of misophonia triggers.
  • Living in an RV can present unique challenges for individuals with misophonia.

Order "Sounds like Misophonia" - by Dr. Jane Gregory and I

Sponsored by the personal journaling app I developed:
Basal -
For iOS and Android
Writing prompts and summaries for your journal entries by AI from the perspective of a therapist.


Send me any feedback! Also, if you want some beautiful podcast stickers shoot over your address.

Coaching: If you're interested in misophonia coaching by me, shoot me an email or go to this form. I am setting up a virtual practice to help people manage misophonia for themselves or loved ones.

YouTube channel (with caption transcriptions)

Instagram - @misophoniapodcast
Facebook - misophoniapodcast
Twitter - @misophoniashow

Download the official Misophonia Podcast app!
For iOS and Android
Podcast episodes, background sounds, a trigger journal, a panic button, and tons of resources on all things miso. Absolutely free!

SoQuiet - Misophonia Advocacy

Support the Show.

Show Notes


In this conversation, Carolyn shares her experiences living with misophonia and offers insights into coping strategies and managing triggers in various environments. She emphasizes the importance of normalizing misophonia and open communication in intimate relationships. Carolyn also highlights the benefits of nature and sensory grounding techniques for finding relief. The conversation touches on the impact of stress on misophonia and the challenges of living in an RV with the condition. 


  • Misophonia stories need to be shared and normalized to raise awareness and understanding.
  • Coping strategies like mental mantras and sensory grounding techniques can help manage misophonia triggers.
  • Open communication is crucial in intimate relationships to navigate misophonia triggers.
  • Nature and outdoor environments can provide relief from misophonia triggers.
  • Stress levels can impact the intensity of misophonia triggers.
  • Living in an RV can present unique challenges for individuals with misophonia.

Order "Sounds like Misophonia" - by Dr. Jane Gregory and I

Sponsored by the personal journaling app I developed:
Basal -
For iOS and Android
Writing prompts and summaries for your journal entries by AI from the perspective of a therapist.


Send me any feedback! Also, if you want some beautiful podcast stickers shoot over your address.

Coaching: If you're interested in misophonia coaching by me, shoot me an email or go to this form. I am setting up a virtual practice to help people manage misophonia for themselves or loved ones.

YouTube channel (with caption transcriptions)

Instagram - @misophoniapodcast
Facebook - misophoniapodcast
Twitter - @misophoniashow

Download the official Misophonia Podcast app!
For iOS and Android
Podcast episodes, background sounds, a trigger journal, a panic button, and tons of resources on all things miso. Absolutely free!

SoQuiet - Misophonia Advocacy

Support the Show.