Lenovo Channel Chatter

Smarter IT Solutions: Selling Lenovo Device as a Service (DaaS)


Looking for a way to boost your bottom line and kick your customers’ productivity into overdrive? This episode of Channel Chatter’s Miller Minute will not disappoint. Our Channel Chatter podcast host and Technologist, Stephen Miller, discusses how DaaS is the perfect accompaniment to the work from home trend—and a pathway for modern IT going forward. Guests include David Svenson, NA DaaS Lead and Corey Williamson, NA Services Sales Director. And also, Nathan Koons, who brings the voice of the customer into the conversation from his role as Technical Client Advisor. In this lively dialogue, you’ll get insights about these benefits of Lenovo’s DaaS:

  • How totally flexible this solution is—scales up or down easily
  • Manufacturer agnostic approach that even includes conference room hardware
  •  Endo-to-end lifecycle management and how to scale for best ROI
  • How to implement slowly to overcome tech issues per persona
  • Why selling DaaS is a smarter way for Partners to meet customer needs

Tune in today to learn about DaaS and the new device refresh model!