NetSupport Radio

Tip Top Tips Edu: Alan Mackenzie - Online Safety

March 11, 2021 Mark Anderson chats to Alan Mackenzie Season 1 Episode 8

This episode of TipTopTipsEdu is packed full of insights and advice around the important topics of Online Safety, Digital Citizenship and all-round sound approaches to how we keep our young people (and teachers) safe, happy and healthy when working and learning whilst online.  

Our guest on the show in this episode is the fantastic, Alan Mackenzie. Known as the ‘Esafety Adviser’, what Alan doesn’t know about mindful approaches to all of the issues surrounding Safeguarding, Online Safety, Digital Citizenship and all that surrounds it, isn’t worth knowing. 

In this episode, the questions I posed to Alan included: 

  1. As students will be returning to school soon, what online safety advice would you give to schools? 
  2. Like myself, your ordinary day job is to go out and physically visit schools – what has changed for you over the last year, do you think virtual has been a help or a hindrance? 
  3. Online safety can be a very diverse and fast-moving environment and teachers are already busy juggling different priorities, how can schools keep up to date on the things that matter to them? 
  4. How can teachers stay on top of current issues related to Online Safety? 

To learn more about Alan and his work, please do check out his website, To connect directly with Alan, follow him on Twitter here.  

Whilst we have you too, Alan also worked with us on our recent ‘Online Safety Guide 2021’, a guide jam-packed with the latest advice and information on this important topic. Grab your free copy here.