This Planet Needs a Name

Bonus: Meet James O'Dowd

Evan Tess Murray & Trace Callahan Season 1

Now that our first episode is live, we're working on the second one - and the third!  And in the meantime, we have a few more of these bonuses for you.  Here, James answers a questionnaire as part of his job interview to head toward the nameless planet.  Warning: James is fond of some words sometimes considered taboo. If you don't want to hear a bit of gentle cursing, give this one a miss.

This is written by Evan Tess Murray and Alexander Doddy, performed by Alexander Doddy, and engineered by Trace Callahan, and the transcript is available.

We did these interviews as character development exercises; they're partially scripted and partially improvised. In this case, mostly improvised! Anyone interested in learning more about our collaborative process is welcome to email us, get in touch on twitter, or join us on the friendliest corner of the internet to talk about it. 

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