Girl Gotta Hike The Podcast

21. Jasmine Guadalupe, The Hood Hikers

Melissa Goodwin / Jasmine Guadalupe

On today’s episode I head up to East Harlem for a chat with Jasmine Guadalupe, founder of The Hood Hikers, a hiking and outdoor adventure company based right here in NYC! The Hood Hikers creates a safe space in nature for all Black and Brown folks, regardless of gender, income bracket or any other divider. While everyone is welcome on her hikes, the Black and Brown experience is at the core, allowing participants to enjoy the outdoors on their own terms. 


A self-described “Bronx-bred, 80s baby of Puerto Rican descent,” Jasmine was blessed with being able to escape the bustle of the big city as a kid, spending many summers upstate, exploring the woods of her grandparent’s property in central New York. Fast forward through law school and a demanding schedule as a litigation attorney, she was re-introduced to her love of hiking in April 2020, during the early days of the pandemic. Those first outdoor adventures were so therapeutic for her, she knew she needed to help her fellow city-dwellers overcome the obstacles of getting out into nature too, so she got her Guide License and boom, The Hood Hikers was born.


Through the magic of social media (and having some hikers in common), we’d been following each other for a while, but this was Jasmine and my first meeting IRL!  And while we were gonna go out for a walk together, the weather proved inhospitable, so we simply switched gears and recorded at Jasmine’s apartment instead. Thankfully, one thing us New York based guides know how to do well is pivot!

Useful links:

Gossamer Gear Discount — use code “GIRLGOTTAHIKEGOSSAMER” for 15% off your first purchase at

Link here to check out GG’s Vagabond Jet Backpack


The Hood Hikers - website

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The Hood Hikers video / Timberland All For Nature Nature For All