Girl Gotta Hike The Podcast

24. Kelley "NoSeeUm" Blosser on the PCT

Melissa Goodwin

On this episode, I get a chance to catch up with my good friend and regular Podcast guest, Kelley “NoSeeUm” Blosser, at the halfway point of the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail! Kelley’s been making her way north from the Mexican border toward the Canadian one for the last few months, and now by the time this episode is airing, she’s almost halfway through Washington State and nearly finished already! 

During our conversation she talks about what it’s like to finally be on a journey that was over two years in the making. We chat about how her pre-conceived notions of what she thought the experience would be like stack up to what it’s actually like to be out there and doing it, day after day after day. She talks about the different types of topography she’s traversed, how her body is holding up and how she’s adapted what she’s carried (and what she’s eaten) to fit the demands of the terrain. 

While I was lucky enough to tag along for the first 100 miles of Kelley’s trip, I was not able to head back to California to interview her in person for this episode. Instead, I caught up with her over zoom, while she was on a rare night off in a hotel with good wifi!

Useful links:

Gossamer Gear Discount — use code “GIRLGOTTAHIKEGOSSAMER” for 15% off your first purchase at

Check out GG’s amazing pack lineup here:
Mariposa (60-Liter)
Gorilla (50-Liter)
G4-20 (42-Liter)
Kumo 36 (36-Liter)

Kelley "NoSeeUm" Blosser can be found at:
@kkbgotgame on instagram

Find more info about the PCT:
Pacific Crest Trail Association

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