Girl Gotta Hike The Podcast

01. Appalachian Trail Besties Talkin' Trail, Bears, Nutrition (or lack thereof) & Friendship

October 31, 2019 Melissa "Click" Goodwin / Emma "Sprout" Hileman, Sarah "Harvest" Jones Decker, Jake "Shaggy" McCambley

 Advice about thru-hiking from three female trail-besties + one supportive male friend.

Welcome to the brand spankin’ new Girl Gotta Hike Podcast! I’ve been wanting to try out this format for a while & finally got the chance to with the help of a few of my near and dear trail-besties! We recently gathered together for a hiking and photography project in Vermont and what better time to break out the mic and talk some trail than after a much longer and snowier Spring hiking day than expected?! The Appalachian Trail is what brought us all together, so naturally, that’s what we chose to chat about. I asked my fellow thru-hikers about the most common questions they get asked when people find out they voluntarily chose to live outside for six months and dug down to the deeper question – why in the world do we all continue to like hiking so much?!    

Major thanks to trail-besties extraordinaire,  Sarah “Harvest” Jones Decker and Emma “Sprout” Hileman and a very special welcome to new trail family member Jake “Shaggy” McCambley, for being such willing participants of this podcast experiment. (AT family is awesome!) Also please, do yourselves a favor and check out the musical stylings of my dear friend Eric Sanderson, whose music is featured.

(Originally recorded in April, 2019)