Girl Gotta Hike The Podcast

05. Tamara Jacobi, Author of "Wildpreneurs" and Owner of Tailwind Jungle Lodge on the Mexican Pacific

Melissa Goodwin / Tamara Jacobi

On this episode Melissa talks with Tamara Jacobi, outdoor adventurer and author of the new book, “Wildpreneurs: A Practical Guide to Pursuing Your Passion as a Business,” just released by Harper Collins Leadership. Nearly 15 years ago, Tamara and her parents co-founded the Tailwind Jungle Lodge, down on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Prompted partially by her guest’s seemingly endless envy of her idyllic lifestyle, Tamara set off to write about her journey and give those curious customers some real how-to knowledge and business advice in order to help push them to start following their own dreams. In the book she also includes interviews with nearly 50 other wild entrepreneurs, sharing their stories of pursuit and passion.

Melissa caught up with Tamara in late January in Philadelphia, just prior to her book launch while she was in town on book tour. They, and Tamara’s little baby Zephyr, took a stroll through the city center, in pursuit of the famed Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Along the way they chatted about how the Jungle Lodge came to be, what challenges she’s experienced in building and maintaining a hospitality-based business in Mexico and how her passion and love for this active outdoor business and lifestyle turned into writing a book. 

Useful links:

Wildpreneurs - website and book
@wildpreneurs - Instagram 

Tailwind Jungle Lodge – website and bookings
@tailwindjunglelodge - Instagram