Microsoft 365 User Adoption for Schools, MATs and Districts

Office 365 User Adoption Podcast Episode 10 - Virtual Lessons using Microsoft Teams

Cloud Design Box Season 1 Episode 10

We have been asked by some schools facing part-closure to create a podcast about delivering content in virtual lessons using Microsoft Teams.

In this podcast, we focus on using Microsoft Teams to provide remote lessons. This should allow some continuation of learning even if the teacher or students are remotely located and unable to get into school.

You can try and replicate some of the real things you would do in a real classroom. You won’t have the same eye contact or body language as you would in person, however you can still do a lot to deliver the lesson.

Take away points:

  • Start a video call to broadcast the lesson and record it (in the General channel)
  • Mute students as they join the video call (you should only need to do this for the first 5 students entering the meeting)
  • Use the video recordings as revision material (or if students can’t make the live lesson)
  • Students do their work in Class Notebook or they could create files in the Files tab during the lesson
  • Teachers can virtually walk around the classroom by looking in the student class notebook sections
  • Have one-on-one conversations by using instant messaging
  • Use group conversations to discuss topics within the class
  • If you want to do group or project work – use channels to split up the class

Make sure that students and teachers have good access to the internet and a device. Mobile devices work fine for watching lessons but might not be great for participating.

We recommend that you use these tools in a normal classroom environment to begin with (not working remotely). This is great for becoming confident with the tools and training students on how it will work. Then, if you are faced with a situation where you need to teach or learn remotely, you will be prepared!


Measure student activity by seeing if they have done any work, asked any questions or contributed to the lesson.

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