80sography - 80s music interviews

Tears For Fears: Ian Stanley Interview Pt 1 (Musician, Co-Writer of Songs From The Big Chair)

Mr 80sography Season 2 Episode 9

We could not end the interview section for the Tears For Fears season better than with our final interviewee; Mr Ian Stanley - band member from the beginning and part of the key creative unit behind Songs From The Big Chair. 

Chatting to Ian was a great thrill and we cover the early part of the decade here from initial meeting to working on The Hurting with diversions into the making of both Everybody Wants To Rule The World and Shout. *

Many thanks to Carole and, especially, David Bates who was instrumental in getting me the chat with Ian. And thanks to Ian for a brilliantly enjoyable conversation.

Enjoy (part 2 to follow soon) x

* still kicking myself that I didn't ask Ian why Shout didn't have the ! it clearly needed...