The D2D Podcast: The Ultimate Door-to-Door Sales Training Show for Reps, Managers, and Business Owners

Sam Taggart - The Importance Of Grit

August 23, 2021 Sam Taggart

There is no denying that door-to-door sales is a tough business. You have got to have a really big heart and tough skin to withstand the emotional turmoil of all the rejection that comes with knocking doors.

While it is easier to chicken out and classify door-to-door sales as “not your thing”, some people have been successful knocking doors. 

How did they make it? 20% skill and 80% mental toughness.

How did they become mentally tough? They mastered grit. This is what Sam Taggart teaches us in this insightful podcast. Sam knows firsthand the emotional rollercoaster of sales. Emerging top sales reps in one of the biggest direct sales companies in North America, Vivint, takes a lot of GRIT.

Listen to Sam shares his golden insights on building the emotional resilience A.K.A GRIT that helped him weather the setbacks that come with sales and life in general.

You really don’t want to miss this.

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