The Wise Studies Podcast

Contemplative Christianity with Nicholas Buxton

Nicholas Buxton Episode 1

In this episode I am speaking with Reverend Dr. Nicholas Buxton. Nicholas is the Director of St Antony’s Priory, in Durham, and founder of ‘Just Meditation’ and the Newcastle Meditation Centre. He has a PhD in Buddhist philosophy from the University of Cambridge and is an experienced meditation teacher and retreat leader. Publications include The Wilderness Within: Meditation and Modern Life (Canterbury Press, 2014), and Tantalus and the Pelican: Exploring Monastic Spirituality Today (Continuum, 2009).

Topics discussed are:

  • Christian contemplatives throughout history
  • What is the focus of Christian contemplative practice compared to other meditative traditions?
  • Who were the Desert Fathers?
  • Is there a place for austerity in modern life?
  • How Nicholas understands Jesus, the man, and the story of Christ?
  • Is there a distinction between religious and spiritual?
  • Do you see religious practice on a spectrum moving from an exoteric to a deeper esoteric dimension?
  • Is your mission to promote the contemplative side of Christianity today?
  • What is the difference between a meditation technique and prayer?
  • What does the Christian tradition uniquely offer to spiritual practice?
  • How do you structure life on a typical retreat at St Antony's Priory? 

Links to Nicholas' projects
Facebook Page
St. Antony's Priory
Just meditation